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Note: Warfare commands will leave you unable to cloak for 5 minutes. Also all the block range of the enemy ships will extend by one tile for 5 minutes. This means that you cannot move into a tile within 1 tile of an enemy.


Bomb - Does maximum damage to structures. Only works on planets within 1 tile of fleet. You may bomb if there are fleets or defensive buildings. After your bombing run you will be attacked by enemy fleets if any exist.

Raid - This attack does no damage to structures but allows you to take prisoners that can be used to populate things such as planets and outposts. Must be on the same tile as planet. All defensive buildings and fleets must be cleared.


(Piracy) Plunder - The fleet sneaks close to the other fleet and boards the ships in the fleet stealing cargo and taking crew members hostage. First the hostages are applied to the ships crew if it needs any, the rest are stored in the cargo hold in stasis. Minimal damage is done to both fleets. There is a chance that the enemy may get one attack in before boarding. This chance depends on the fleet's visibility,level and speed. The ships are randomly matched. Spies start with more experienced piracy crews and have no chance of the enemy attacking before boarding. This pits crew against crew, most losses are in human casualties not ships. 

Attack - Standard attack. Can be used on planetary structures as well. Defensive structures must be destroyed before other ones can be attacked.

Convert (Diplomat) - The diplomat convinces the captain of the fleet that deserting to their cause is the best option. You have a .15% chance per level of the fleet and  minimum of a %1 chance of  conversion. Also for each difference in the levels there is a modifier of .3%. So if you are one level below there would be a modifier of -.3%. One level above would be a modifier of .3%.

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