Reading the manual is recomended. This tutorial walks you through your
first few turns to start gathering needed resources.
First start by going to your starting planet. This is easily accessable
through the civil panel. Click on the command center. Once there click
on civil administration.
Click on the com to your planet.
We need to start generating resources, so we need to build a few items. Click on the build link.
First start by building a factory.
Repeat steps to build a Lumber Mill for wood,Small Town for population,
Tax collector for credits. If you have metals you can mine build the
proper items.
Build a shipyard and storage docks to mine for metals on unclaimed tiles.
Iron is a staple material, if none is on your home planet you will need
to use ships to mine for it. At least until you capture something with iron.
Next lets build some miners. Click on build ships next to your shipyard.
Fill out everything like below.
Then move the ship to a tile that has the metals you want. Click move
next to the fleet.
Then select the tile to move to.
Once on that tile select mine metals next to the fleet. Spend 2 turns.
Then move back to your home tile and unload.
To finsh up lets capture a tile, after capturing a mobile metal miner
can be built on your new tile.
Build a colonizer ship.
Move to the tile and capture it. Ths takes time dependent on stats.
After you capture it build your metal miner.